Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Dark Knight in the City of Tomorrow?

It looks like Superman and Batman will square off in Man of Steel 2.
So I have to weigh in immediately on what is probably the biggest news to come out of SDCC 2013, assuming of course that you're as big a DC Comics fan as I am.  It seems that yesterday Zack Snyder, director of Man of Steel, announced that the inevitable and already insanely anticipated sequel would feature none other than The Dark Knight.  Rather than just blandly announcing this fact, they had actor Harry Lennix who played General Swanwick in MOS, quote Batman's epic words to the Man of Steel as he delivers a legendary beating to him in Frank Miller's classic The Dark Knight Returns:
"I want you to remember, all the years to your most private moments...I want you to hand at your throat...I want you to remember...the one man who beat you."  After these words rang out, attendees to the panel saw the famous Superman symbol for hope appear on the screen with the instantly recognizable Bat symbol behind it. 
I can only imagine the explosion of applause and screams that burst forth from the crowd upon seeing the two most famous superhero symbols appear together on screen.  Ever since rumors of an eventual Justice League film began circulating and we saw dozens of DC Easter eggs pop up in Man of Steel, everyone's been speculating on how Batman would return to the big screen after his much debated disappearing act at the end of The Dark Knight Rises.  Christian Bale stated that he's hung up the cowl for good and as much as I loved his Bruce Wayne/Batman, I understand that The DK trilogy was meant to be a standalone, self-contained world.  As hard as it is to imagine someone else donning the bat-suit, perhaps it's time to inject some new blood into the character and set it apart for the world set up in MOS. 
I took the Wayne Enterprises satellite destroyed in MOS more as a wink to a Batman sighting in a future JLA film rather than him popping up in MOS 2.  It struck me as being similar to the references in Iron Mans 1 & 2  for S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers Initiative that pointed the way to the Avengers film.  Still, it's pretty badass to imagine Superman and Batman being onscreen together as soon as 2015.  It's what every fan, this one included, have been waiting for practically their entire lives.
Snyder stated that MOS 2 would pick up right after the events of the first and show Supes dealing with the consequences of killing General Zod.  One of the big questions is who's going to be responsible for rebuilding Metropolis after the epic battle.  I hoped, given all the LexCorp references, that Luthor would step in and rebuild the city while trying to turn public opinion against this alien.  Jeremy Jahns, who does film reviews on Youtube, mentioned that one of his theories for the sequel involves Bruce Wayne possibly teaming up with Luthor to rebuild Metropolis, initially unaware of what kind of person Luthor is.  Superman on the other hand, finding out what a prick Luthor is, tries to expose the truth and therefore earns the contempt of Bruce Wayne who suits up and confronts the Man of Steel.  Jahns pointed out that Batman has trust issues and naturally would be suspicious of an alien who's of the same species as Zod and has so much power.  Batman also wouldn't like the fact that Superman killed Zod, given his own "no-kill" policy.  In The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller famously destroyed the Superman/Batman friendship, showing how their different worldviews would keep them at odds; Superman usually sees Batman as a common vigilante and Batman sees Superman as a big blue boy scout.  Since they'll eventually have to work together in Justice League, it stands to reason they will resolve their differences eventually, but perhaps in MOS 2 they'll start out as adversaries, each one trying to get the upper hand much like in The Superman Animated Series "World's Finest" string of episodes.  They can show how cunning Batman is, how he can bring someone as powerful as Superman down to earth.  Since MOS 2 is still a Superman film, I'd still like to see another Superman villain like Metallo or Brainiac but just because Batman is going to be in it doesn't mean one of these guys won't appear.  Once Bats discovers Luthor's true intentions and thirst for power, he'll be forced to team up with Superman and Luthor will have to team up with a villain such as Metallo or man his own battle suit, perhaps using Zod's Kryptonian armor.  This is one direction I'd love to see the sequel take now that it looks like it's going to include Batman.
Whatever path the sequel takes, just having Batman and Superman together in the same film is like having your birthday on Christmas after winning the lottery.  Man of Steel, in my less than humble opinion (which is the only opinion that matters naturally) has gotten Superman back on track and we're finally ready to start venturing into the great big DC universe we've known so well in the comics.  Having DC's two flagship heroes together in one film is hopefully just the start of a lot more superhero team-ups on the big screen.  

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