Friday, August 16, 2013

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

The Seven Evil Exes standing between love sick Scott Pilgrim and Ramona. 
After years of hearing people rave about it and ask me if I'd seen it, to which I always had to (shamefully) say no, I can finally say that I got around to seeing Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.  I'm not sure why it took so long considering that it's based on a graphic novel, stars Michael Cera who my brother says reminds him of me and also stars Aubrey Plaza (from Parks and Rec.), Anna Kendrick (who's simply adorable), as well as Superman Brandon Routh and Captain America Chris Evans.  If that's not enough, I heard the film has some killer music and pretty sweet battle scenes.  This film appeals primarily to anybody who digs comic books, video games (vintage ones especially) and kick ass music. 
I didn't get a chance to read the graphic novel, so I hoped that the film would suffice and it certainly did.  The film's about lovably awkward Scott Pilgrim and his attempt to win the heart of his dream girl, Ramona Flowers, by battling her seven evil exes.  Along the way he slaps a sweet Rickenbacker bass guitar in his band, Sex Bob-omb as they compete in a battle of the bands in Toronto.  He's also still damaged from being dumped by his ex-girlfriend, a girl named Envy Adams, who left him to sing in the moderately popular band "The Clash at Demon's Head".  When Scott first meets Ramona he's (sort of) dating a high school Asian girl named Knives Chau, much to the chagrin of his bandmate and ex-girlfriend Kim Pine as well as his younger sister Stacey, played by Anna Kendrick.  Although they've pretty much just held hands, Knives becomes infatuated with Scott even as he becomes convinced Ramona is the girl of his dreams; he literally sees her rollerblading through his dreams before he even meets her.  He then meets/stalks her at a party where attempts to woo her by telling her that Pac Man was originally called Puck-Man but they changed it out of fear that vandals would change it to Fuck-Man.  With an incredible factoid like that I don't know how Ramona doesn't just melt immediately, but she doesn't (yea, she's a total ice queen).
There's a hilarious scene where he orders something on Amazon and immediately sits in front of the door waiting for her to deliver it.  The film's loaded with tons of randomly funny lines and situations.  For instance, when Scott finally convinces Ramona to go out with him, she goes to see him play with Sex Bob-omb where she meets Knives and asks Scott how old she is.  We then see inside Scott's mind where a needle jumps between responding with "I gotta pee," or "Who, her?"  Finally he blurts out "I gotta pee on her."  Scott's band-mates have awesome names like Stephen Stills, who aptly enough is Sex Bob-omb's guitar player.  Also there's Young Neil who is Sex Bob-omb's biggest fan and later is designated Neil Young by Scott.  Aubrey Plaza, who's specialty is dry humor, plays Julie Powers, a girl who vehemently tells Scott to stay away from Ramona, believing him to be a loser.  There's a great scene where she finds out Scott is dating Ramona and begins dropping f-bombs left and right which are censored with a black bar over her mouth, to which Scott then asks "how are you doing that with your mouth?"   
During the gig, Scott's attacked by the first of Ramona's evil exes, Matthew Patel who puts on a Bollywood style dance, complete with demon hipster chicks before Scott K.O.'s him and he bursts into coins in classic video game style.  Yea, this film's pretty trippy and random at just about every point, but that's what makes it so awesome.  Anything can happen and that's really where the creativity comes in.  I also like how the film is self-referential, with characters commenting on how weird everything is and being in on the absurdity of it all.  After Patel, each of Ramona's six other evil exes (who are part of the League of evil exes), confront Scott one at a time.  Chris Evans plays exe #2, an actor named Lucas Lee who Scott tricks into doing a wicked grind down a shitload of stair railings that causes him to combust, but not before he has to battle Lee's six skateboard wielding stunt doubles in an epic showdown complete with plenty of comic book sound effects.
Brandon Routh plays exe #3 Todd Ingram, the bass player of "The Clash at Demon's Head" and current boyfriend of Envy Adams.  Ingram is a blonde, brainless vegan who has special vegan-based psychic powers.  At first he dominates Scott, but when it's revealed that he's been eating non-vegan food, the Vegan police come and strip him of his powers, allowing Scott to defeat him in an absurdly hilarious scene.  Brandon Routh and Chris Evans are pretty damn good at playing shallow, brain dead douchebags, which I hope is just a testament to their acting chops.  Scott then battles the rest of the exes, one of whom is a chick named Roxie Richter (played by none other than "Bland" Veal from Arrested Development). Hilarity ensues as they battle and Scott defeats her by tickling the weak spot behind her knee and she too explodes into coins.  If only all people exploded into coins when you defeated them: you'd get some cash and there'd be no real mess to clean up. 
Ultimately Scott battles Ramona's seventh evil exe, Gideon Graves (played by Jason Schwartzman) who founded the League (Guild) of evil exes.  Scott battles him in a final, epic showdown to win the heart of his beloved Ramona.  As I expected, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was simply a damn good time.  The references and deliberately over the top dialogue is hilarious and the visuals are slammin'.  The film's not really meant to be taken seriously at all, which makes it so enjoyable although at it's core it's actually a pretty sweet story about a guy in love.  The music kicks ass, the comic book look of the film and video game references are sweet and it's surreal and quirky enough to appeal to affable weirdo's like yours truly.  Scott Pilgrim vs. The World  is a definite winner.         


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